(Mexico, 1992)
From Toluca City, Mexico. His creative interests include timbre research, the use of visual art concepts in his composition such as sound sculpture and perspective, working with micro-sounds and the effects of sound in perception. His pieces and installations have been exhibited in Mexico, Austria, Germany and England in events such as Sound/Image Festival 2022 (London,UK), Impulse Festival 2021 (Graz, Austria), next_generation 9.0 International Festival (ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany), and venues such as Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung (Bonn, Germany), Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln (Cologne, Germany), MUAC (Mexico City), among others. He studied Instrumental Composition (M.M.) with Prof. Miroslav Srnka and Electronic Composition (M.M) with Prof. Michael Beil at the University for Music and Dance in Cologne, Germany. Currently he is studying the artistic Ph.D. program at the University of Music and Theater Hamburg in Germany. |